dog painting

5 Animal-Lover Artists Who Paint Dogs

As a dog-lover, I wanted to indulge myself and see how many dog artists I could find. There are lots! It was all sorts of fun picking and choosing who I wanted to feature here.

I decided based on a balance of styles and techniques, as well as technical skill. These artists capture their dog subjects with as much emotion and beauty as some of the most talented human portrait artists. Mmmm I think this might be the greatest gift idea to give the dog person on your list! 🐶

5 Artists Who Paint Dogs

Sandra Flood

Look at all these subtle colors and highlights and canvas texture! It’s like the perfect marriage of photography and painting, with the best subject matter ever. The blurred edges give these dog paintings such a dreamy quality.

Sandra was kind enough to share with me this new image of Bull especially to post here. Hi, Bull! (Go ahead and boop that nose.)

dog portrait paintings by Sandra Flood

Sandra Flood’s website

Sandra Flood on Instagram

David Scheirer

David Scheirer, or, Studio Tuesday on Etsy, paints stunning watercolors of pets (amongst other art). In his words, “The style is fairly realistic and accurate but painted in a loose way with personality and character.”

Studio Tuesday watercolor pet portraits

Studio Tuesday on Etsy

Johanne Mangi

Johanne Mangi manages to instill her dog portraits with all the emotions you feel when you look at your dog and are filled with love. Her dream-like, painterly style captures the unique nuances of each dog’s personality perfectly. Seriously, can’t you almost hear what they’re thinking?

Dog portraits by Johanne Mangi - 5 amazing pet artists featured on Art Makes People

Johanne’s website

Johanne on Instagram

Lisa Keene

I was drawn to the amazing colors and lush textures in Lisa Keene’s dog paintings immediately. The dogs work into their backgrounds so beautifully. It’s fun to read all the stories about each dog on her site, and it’s interesting to note that she is also a concept artist for a lot of animated movies you’ll recognize. After learning this, it’s easy to picture these dogs in movie scenes!

Lisa Keene dog paintings

Lisa Keene’s website

Oleksii Movchun

Oleksii is a Ukrainian artist who paints custom pet portraits that are alive with texture and movement. It’s fun to read his Etsy reviews from people who are beyond thrilled with how he captures that unique animal essence that make pets so much more than ‘just pets’. There’s such a fun, playful style to his brushstrokes in these paintings.

Custom dog portraits by Ukrainian artist Oleksii Movchun

Oleksii on Etsy

This post was updated November 29, 2023.

Thanks for sharing! 😍

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