artt vision board full of abstract paintings

3 Creative Vision Boards and How to Use Them

Vision boards have never been my jam because I’ve always viewed them as more of a manifestation board. I’d arrange magazine cutouts of people snorkeling, beautiful homes, a cool car, some willowy yogi in a lovely pose – things I wanted – or wanted to become.

And then I’d forget about them. The magazine images were never quite right, I didn’t actually want that car, and I didn’t truly believe I’d ever live in a home like that. So basically they had me feeling worse coming out of making them than going in.

It wasn’t until I was journaling TODAY that I realized a vision board could be more of a personal brand kit for yourself. I regularly pin things to some secret pin boards that I want to remember, emulate, try – things that you wouldn’t necessarily think belong on a vision board. I revisit them from time to time, but it’s time-consuming to scroll through Pinterest to find my images, as I have thousands pinned.

Related: 45 Powerful Affirmations for Creativity

Home Vision Board

Digital vision board made on Canva for home design
Home Vision Board

I decided to do a little experiment, and I downloaded a bunch of my very favorite images from 3 of my boards, uploaded them to Canva, and made some vision boards that would actually mean something to me. What a concept, huh?

Let me tell ya, they were fun to make and felt like an act of self care in the creative process of curating and compiling. I added a few phrases and reminders to one of them and I’m actually going to print these bad boys out to hang up on my cork board in my office.

Ooh, check out this beautiful astrology art!

Art Vision Board

art vision board made using Canva
Art Vision Board

Want to make your own? Here’s how:

How to Make a Vision Board on Canva

Get y’all over to Canva.

  • Click on ‘templates’ on the left side
  • In the search box, enter ‘mood board’
  • Choose a lovely design you love a lot
  • Duplicate this design for as many vision boards as you want to make, or…
  • Add 2 new pages and 2 different mood board templates
  • Upload images you have saved either on your computer or on Pinterest (my choice)
  • Drag your images into the little image areas
  • Add type if you’d like
  • In order to print them out, I clicked up on the top on ‘resize’ and then sized it to 8.5×11

Note: some of these actions require you to have paid Canva, but I can’t imagine a life without paid Canva. That’s the truth, Ruth.

So as you can see, I made vision boards on three topics: Life, Self, and Art. I had so much fun making them, they actually felt true to me and meaningful, and I have printed them out on card stock to hang up.

This goes back to the idea I keep noticing lately that you can learn about a tool, but implementing it is a whole new game – you have to figure out how to adjust and maybe modify it to fit who you are: your lifestyle/preferences/personality. Whatever you have to do to make it meaningful to you is the key.

Self Growth Vision Board

digital vision board - made using Canva - self
Self Vision Board

What will you vision board? Here are some ideas:

  • Creativity
  • Recipes
  • Travel
  • Kids
  • Career
  • Luv ❤️
  • Manifestations
  • Garden
  • Pets
  • Home design
  • Fitness
  • Money saving
  • House hunting

The possibilities are endless! Have fun with it, and show me your vision boards on Instagram!

Thanks for sharing! 😍

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